Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goodbye Flyers, hello flyers!

After watching my beloved Flyers get mercifully euthanized Friday night, I prepared for another day of birding with Authentic Canadian Tours. We met up at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 7:00 and headed east to Presqu'ile Provincial Park.
We were met at the lighthouse by Bill Gilmour, part time resident and birder extraordinaire, and he gave us a walking tour of the park. It was a day of laughter, tweets, nice washrooms and stinky outhouses!

Note that you can click on all the photos to make them bigger.

We saw Cedar Waxwings at the edge of the parking lot:

We saw a robin on a nest (no picture), and several tree swallows:

A few yellow warblers:

There has to be a bum shot whenever possible!
This is the time when I start complaining about my lens.
Size DOES matter, people! 55-250 just doesn't cut it.
There, got that over with.

Baltimore Oriole:

American Goldfinch:

Rose-breasted grosbeak

Northern Flicker.  Notice how perfectly round the hole is.  It appeared that he was feeding a baby although we never saw it:

Mute swan:

Swamp Sparrow:

Caspian Tern:

Debbie on the horsey tree:


Osprey, including one with the second adult flying above:

Muskrat from behind...bum shot:

The elusive Virginia Rail:

Family of Canada geese:

Painted Turtle:

Many thanks to Bill for his terrific tour and to Murray for organizing the trip.  It's my second trip with his company and both were a lot of fun, between Murray's enthusiasm and planning, the bus drivers who are always good natured and the other people on the trip, it's always a good time.  Can't wait for the next one!