Tuesday, March 1, 2011

At times, I'm sick of winter

Usually by mid February I start getting really sick of winter but there are days like this past Sunday when everything looks so beautiful after a snowfall. We started to get light snow Saturday night and by Sunday morning everything was covered. I had a bunch of morning pet sits and couldn't believe how nice everything looked, snow clinging to the trees, the sky was a soft blue and the sun was hitting the snow. I popped over to Rosetta McClain Gardens and was lucky to find snow without footprints, and this is what I saw:

A few days earlier Walter sent me a text message saying Frank found a great-horned owl in another park at the Bluffs. I was able to find 10 minutes in my schedule to drive over and check it out. I didn't have my DSLR, just my point and shoot, so the pictures didn't turn out too well but still, an owl is an owl and I never get tired of seeing them or photographing them:

By the next day she had already moved on so it was pretty exciting to have seen her.

You can click twice on each photo to see more detail, especially on the owl.

1 comment:

  1. Fresh snow brightens and beautifies the previous snow fall. This is especially true when it clings to everything, providing a wonderful contrast.


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