There was quite a large group at the park and the birds were flying through quite quickly. First, some gorgeous shots of the lake and clouds, and don't forget, you can double click on any shot to enlarge:
And in this next one you can see the mist from Niagara Falls, next to the Skylon:
Blue Jay on a bench:
Sharp-shinned hawk
Broad-winged hawk:
Totally crappy picture but an eagle is an eagle is an eagle. This one was in the Markham/Kingston Road area but never made it's way to the Watch. I saw 3 while walking dogs today and this was the closest. It was low when furthest from me and climbed higher as it approached:
Eagle with gull:
Back to the watch for a third time, and we saw a rainbow. It started off over the edge of the bluffs where the poplar (RIP) used to be, then travelled across the lake:
And the Northern Cardinal who comes for peanuts showed up late in the day:
Bruce, Walter and I were the last ones there and we left just before the snow flew (okay, maybe not but it was REALLY cold!)